Final Posters




Critical Self-Analysis

Critical Self-Analysis

The Product I chose to create an advertisement for is Rejuve. A cold-pressed juice brand, based in Indonesia. The main theme I chose to convey in the advertisement I am making is refreshing, being different, and being healthy, focusing on how athletes drink unhealthy energy drinks, whereas other, healthier options such as Rejuve are available.

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? 

    Being a cold-pressed juice, the product has a few conventions surrounding it. Cold-pressed juice drinks are most of the time, thought to be “too healthy” and do not taste good, and are only consumed by people who have poor taste. The video that I am choosing to make will challenge that convention by showing that Rejuve can be consumed in all situations whilst still tasting good, showing that a basketball athlete will choose to drink it over sugary energy drinks.

    The target audience is targeted towards teenagers, this age range group usually shows stereotypes of being rebellious, stubborn, and enjoyers of unhealthy food and drinks. The advert made challenges all of these representations, encoding the video with close-up shots of the teen athlete drinking juice, and using dolly movements to emphasize the character's actions. The advert also uses a variety of fast-cuts to further emphasize the urgency of the character’s actions.

How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? 

The main target audience for this project are teenagers around the age range of 13-18 who are active in doing sports or other challenging activities. Ideally, this ad will be shown in social media because of the high traffic of the targeted age range that consumes social media on a daily basis. A company such as MVP Pictures (Multivision Plus) is an Indonesian production house that has a wide-range of portfolio spanning from box-office movies, web-series, and ofcourse advertisements. A company like that producing this advert would be very ideal as it would guarantee both quality and an established audience.

How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

At the start of the project, I was quite confident in this project because of the prior skills I honed, but after learning the proper steps to creating an advert I knew I still lacked alot in the more hands-on process, such as drawing storyboards and writing essays. I learned to improve in my drawing and practical media, throught the development of my storyboard. Improving on planning and structuring also came along with the creation of my storyboard.

The Idea I originally had requires a large set and a large amount of VFX, this would require a large sum of budget, leading me to come to a compromise and plan better more simple, yet effective shots.

How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

The main software I used in this project would probably be Adobe Photoshop a raster graphics editor developed and published by Adobe Inc. for Windows and macOS and, which I used for creating the main designs because of the wide toolset available for use. I also used YouTube as my main source of inspiration. Using these softwares helped me create detail in the final product and let me as the producer perfectly encode ideas into the final product.

Poster Design Concept Development


Poster Genre Research


Genres and Sub-Genres


A way to categorize media products is by grouping them together via their shared characteristics. These characteristics in media are known as codes and conventions. Genre creates restrictions, but it also creates templates for media producers to follow.


Subgenre takes the categorization of media a step further. It goes beyond the generalization of genre. A few examples are sci-fi action, expeditions for lost continents, serialized films, space adventures.

Genre Conventions 

Different elements that are commonly found in a particular genre. In other words, genre conventions are stereotypes expected to be found in a certain genre. An example of this is when an action movie has an epic and dramatic fight scene.


Rejuve AD Storyboard (Final)

Rejuve AD Storyboard (Draft)