Weekly Progress

Here is a plan for our general timeline for this project, written by me (Timothy)

To Do...Deadline
Week 1
Form a groupWeek 1
Research: 2 in detail, 8 not much detail.End of Week 3
Start diary
Week 2
Plan (story board/script/idea outline)End of Week 4
Week 3
Plan (story board/script/idea outline)End of Week 4
Week 4
Plan (story board/script/idea outline)End of Week 4
Week 5
CreateEnd of Week 7
Week 6
CreateEnd of Week 7
Social Media Page + ResearchEnd of Week 7
Week 7
EditEnd of Week 8
Week 8
EditEnd of Week 8
Self Reflection (Prezi)
1st draft before meeting
Week 9
Meeting with Mr Nick
Week 10
Deadline (Wed 15th March)

Week 1 (9th Jan 2023)

M1: Made a group with Maxi, Nayana, and Sharon. Started researching opening scenes, analyzed two major and six minor scenes.

M2: Studied media industry theory.

M3: Continued researching opening scenes, studied the films Baby Driver and (500) Days of Summer, took a team picture, worked on the project brief, and wrote a weekly diary blog post.

Week 2 (16th Jan 2023)

M1: Learned magazine terminology

M2: Came up with two new concepts, Moonlight Sonata and Mr. Fahrenheit.

M3: Chose Moonlight Sonata as the concept and created a brief script/screenplay plan.

Week 3 (23rd Jan 2023)


M1: Created a to-do list for the Moonlight Sonata project.

M2: Studied media funding theory.

M3: Started creating a storyboard for Moonlight Sonata, finalized the cast, discussed shooting, and created a vision board for the concept.

Week 4 (30th Jan 2023)

M1: Continued casting and developing the storyboard.

M2: Studied media regulation theory.

M3: Collected possible titles for the film opening, researched typefaces for titles and credits, practice shots in class, and continued working on the storyboard.

Week 5 (6th Feb 2023)

M1: Studied media industry theory.

M3: Completed the storyboard

M3: Set up and rented filming equipment, experimented with lighting and camera angles, and began filming.

Week 6 (13th Feb 2023)

M1: Practiced essay writing on "synergy" for Section B.

M2: Revised and practiced Section B essay writing on media ownership.

M3: Developed typeface for title and credits and planned editing for the following day.

Week 7 (20th Feb 2023)

M1: Revised media industry theory.

M2: Wrote a critical self-reflection on the Moonlight Sonata project.

- No project meetings held this week, but editing was 75% complete.

Week 8 (27th Feb 2023)

M1: Revised media industry theory.

M2: Took a mock exam for Section A and Section B.

M3: Screened the completed edit of Moonlight Sonata and received feedback from Mr. Nick. Made minor changes to transitions, added and removed clips, and adjusted credit positioning.

Week 9 (10th March 2023)

M1: Continued working on personal blog.

M2: Received feedback on the second draft of Moonlight Sonata project, made changes to color grading, removed redundant black screens, and fixed continuation issues.

M3: Finished blog posts and wrote a critical self-reflection.

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