Production - Behind The Scenes

 This blog post contains our production/filming process. Written by Timo

Our filming process spanned across 5 days, all shot in Regents Secondary School Bali. The behind the scenes process was documented by Sharon and Nayana. 

Day 1

On the first day, we shot the first scene that contained an argument near the school lockers. 

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Day 2
On the second day, we shot Muscle Dave and Happy Dave's individual scenes.

Day 3

On the third day, we shot Quiet Dave and Softboy Dave's individual scenes

Day 4

On the fourth day, we shot Player Dave's interview scenes and montage.

Day 5

On the final day, we shot all the Dave's together, Not Dave's individual scenes, as well as Maxi's follow shot.

In conclusion, the filming process went smoothly, our actors gave good feedback on the shots and if they had any ideas we tried our best to implement them. With Maxi (our screenwriter) missing 3 days of the shoots there were a few struggles in directly translating the screenplay into actions, however, we fixed this by videocalling him. Other than that the filming process went very well.

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