COMP 3: Weekly Progress & Plan

Here is the weekly progress for my project, this post also includes the rough plan. The entirety of this blogpost was written by me (Timothy).


Term 2


Term 3


(2 Oct)

Brief, Research


( 8 Jan)









Shoot, Self Reflection




Post Production




Post Production




(13 Feb)

Deadline (Tuesday 13th February)





Our deadline was pushed back to the 23rd of February, due to different national holidays and the occurrence of the presidential election.

WEEK 1 (6 October)

We were introduced to the brief and instantly formed a group. I think that this project will be exciting and challenging as this component is very different to anything I have previously worked on. 

WEEK 2 (13 October)

This week we continued with our research. Further understanding genre conventions of similar music videos. We finalized our song choice and concept, choosing a pop song that is generally enjoyable for most people.

WEEK 3 (20 October)

This week we came up with concepts for the music video for our song. Creating a girly music video that has performance aspects. I decided to change the format of my weekly progress to be more reflective.

Problems: We want to avoid dangerous activities in our music video.

Solutions: We will avoid dangerous activities in our music video.

To-Do: Finish Statement of Intent, Finish Research

WEEK 4 (27 October)

This week we had a mini project, which was to create a Lip-Sync video, in this project we learnt how to handle a camera, how to edit, and shot selection. Furthermore, we started our music video development, planning potential actors and locations.

Problems: One of the members weren't present during our lip-sync video project. We can't seem to finalize our artist name.

Solutions: Take the member out of other unimportant tasks. 


- Print the lyrics (annotate)

- Screenplay/storyboard

WEEK 5 (3 November)

This week we finished our lip-sync video that was compiled together by our teacher, we also managed to plan scenes for the song up until the second verse. We are also currently trying to set our schedules to book the potential locations.

Problems: There is a chance for rainy season and it could disrupt our shooting schedule.

Solutions: Double book locations.

WEEK 6 (10 November)

This week we finished annotating our lyric sheets, which can help us create our storyboard and screenplay. We finished annotating which gives us an outline of what kind of scenes we are going to shoot.

Problems: Some scenes maybe hard to shoot

Solutions: Scenes are still subject to change

WEEK 7 (14 November)

This week we finalized our blogposts, as well as added reflections to each blogpost. As we will be taking a 2 month's break, I needed to make sure everything in my blog was updated.

Problem: Incomplete work

Solution: Set a deadline to finish the blog

To-Do: Complete blog posts

Reflection (Semester Break): We were given a checklist and it helped identify what I needed to finish and prioritize in my blog. After looking back on the progress our team currently has, I am confident that we will complete our project by the right deadline considering the other tight deadlines that we successfully met, I think we will do quite well.

WEEK 8 (12 January)

After a month's break to enjoy school holidays, I received feedback from my teacher in the form of an audio file. I realized how I have been performing below expectations and need to improve in writing my self-reflections, knowing that it will help me improve overall in my project. My teacher's feedback told me to add more detail to my reflections, change the formatting of my weekly progress, and finalize and complete blog posts that were previously empty, such as my storyboard, screenplay, and actor screen testing. Our team then created a risk assessment file for all the locations we were planning to shoot in, this was done to minimize any damage and maximize health and safety. Furthermore, we were told to change the format of our blogs to adjust to Cambridge standards. 

To-Do: Begin shooting, Finish risk assessment for other locations

WEEK 9 (19 January)

After finalizing the shooting dates for our filming schedule, we finalized shooting schedules deciding on the 27th of January and the 3rd and 8th of February. We then created a WhatsApp group with our main cast members, which made it easier for our team to communicate with the cast members. Through this WhatsApp group, we could provide the cast members with any information regarding the scheduled time, locations, and costumes.

Problem: I had to take care of important documents and couldn't be present during the group's discussion of creating the final filming schedule. Another problem is that our writer wouldn't be present during the first day of filming, as he had plans to go abroad.

Solution: My team contacted me through WhatsApp and I agreed on the filming schedule with them. As our writer wouldn't be present, we chose to shoot at the locations that require the least amount of scenes, we did this so we could get the best possible shots for the other locations.

To-Do: Plan for our digipak and social media page. I also need to research more social media pages and digipaks that can fit the theme we want.

WEEK 10 (26 January)

During the entirety of this week, we generally prepared for the first day of the shoot. Through the WhatsApp group we created including the cast members, we approved of the outfits that they were gonna wear during our shoot. Furthermore, Nayana and Sharon also started to plan the social media page by creating and sketching a general layout of the page, as well as the content included in it. Giving feedback on the social media page helped me understand the impact of one on an artist's branding.

Problem: During this week both the writer (Maxi) and I weren't present during the creation of the social media page plan, because Maxi had already left Bali and I unfortunately fell ill.

Solution: We contacted each other through WhatsApp again to confirm the layout of our social media page. I also have started preparing the gear we were going to use for the first shoot, the following day.

WEEK 11 (2 February)

This week we concluded the first day of shooting and finished an entire location. We finished shooting successfully at the beach, however, we did face a few issues during the process of doing so, this can be seen in the production process in my blog. Furthermore, we began writing our 1000-word self-reflection essay. We started by laying out a general plan and structure for it.

Problem: At first, I couldn't decide on how to structure my self-reflection essay. On the other hand, during the first day of filming, we weren't allowed to shoot at the first location

Solution: After discussing with Sharon and Nayana, we decided to use a similar structure to write our essay, as we thought it would be the most effective and it would be easier to write. During filming, we had to move locations, luckily our Plan B was quite close by.

To-Do: The second day of filming, where we would shoot the villa scene of Kiara and the girls.

WEEK 12 (9 February)

This week we concluded the second and third days of shooting, which was the villa scenes, car scenes, and the scenes at the park. We finished the second day successfully, however, the shoots didn't go as smoothly as we planned, all issues detailed in my blog post. This week, Nayana, Sharon, and I started developing the digipak using Canva, so we could share and see each other's designs instantly.

Problem: We didn't have pictures to use as a base for our digipak designs. Furthermore, we encountered many problems during filming.

Solution: Use other images found from Pinterest to use as a mock which can be used as inspirations for our actual pictures

To-Do: Begin editing the music video and edit and take pictures for the digipak.

WEEK 13 (16 February)

This week, we finished shooting all the shots we needed including the extra shots we couldn't shoot the week before. I am now beginning the process of editing the final music video, I also have edited a few videos for our social media page such as things like a teaser. We are further developing our digipak, with the cover inside, our tracklist, and our back cover.

Problem: We received feedback on what to change on our digipak and our music video edit. 

Solution: I will redo the edits and we will further develop our social media page

To-Do: Finish music video edit, Finish Digipak, Finish social media page (including concert posts, and teasers, and dance challenges)

WEEK 14 (23 February)

As this is the final week and had a final deadline on this day, I finalized a lot of things. Firstly, I finished writing my 1000-word critical self-reflection essay. Secondly, I completed editing and exporting the final music video and uploaded it on YouTube and Google Drive. Furthermore, our team also has finished uploading all the social media posts, which I promoted on my personal social media. Lastly, I finalized any missing blog posts and added details to the posts that were lacking.

Problem: Time management, the sheer amount of work that had to be done this week was quite tough because we wanted everything to be perfect before our project was examined.

Solution: Red bull

To-Do: Sleep

Reflection: Writing this weekly progress allows me to look back on what I did every week. I realize how quickly time flies because I took the time I had to this progress for granted. Writing the problems and solutions I had each week allows me to learn from mistakes I made in the past, which will help me improve in any future projects. In future projects, I would be more punctual with deadlines because during the entirety of this project I pushed everything very close to the deadline, including this reflection I am currently writing. In conclusion, I am proud of how much work my team and I put into this project over the past few months and I hope to get a good score and positive feedback from other people.

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