COMP 3: Filming Schedule and Communication

This blog post contains our filming schedule details, written by Timo.

Before we started our production process, we created a group chat through WhatsApp containing the team and our full cast members. This was done to confirm everyone's availability and broadcast any information regarding costumes, locations and any other urgent information about the project.

Our original filming plan was to shoot in December, however, the shoot was canceled due to unforeseen circumstances. With this, we created a plan for our 3-day shoot. This table shown below contains all the information needed for easy communication between our crew, stars, and teammates, shown in the simplest form possible.

Seeing that we went behind schedule, on both Day 1 and Day 2, me (Timo) and Sharon created a table, shown below to plan for day 3, detailing specific time stamps on what to shoot at different times, with locations. 

However, creating this plan didn't prepare us for unexpected problems such as shooting permits. This meant that our original plan of using 3 days to shoot wasn't enough because we weren't allowed to shoot at Peninsula Island Park because it was a privately owned area. This led to us cutting the 3rd day of our project short. We then decided to add another day on the 13th of February 2024, shooting at Lapangan Puputan Renon, an open public park.

Reflection: Creating this table to schedule our shoots proved to be extremely helpful as it provides details of the shoot and allows us to be more punctual. Furthermore, as we needed a lot of props and equipment, these tables acted as a sort of checklist for me before departing to go on the shoot making sure that I didn't forget anything. On the other hand, creating a WhatsApp group was also extremely useful because our cast could also give us feedback on our project which proved to be very helpful with them acting as a non-biased third party audience. In future projects, I think that creating a plan for all days such as the plan me (Timo) and Sharon made would be very useful, allowing us to be more efficient with time and filming schedules.

COMP 3: Licensing Email

This blog post contains an email that contains a request to our artist's label for an approval to use their music in our project. This blog post is written by me (Timothy).

Sabrina Carpenter, the artist behind the song we chose, titled 'Feather' is under the Universal Music Group. This information was found by Sharon after conducting research, along with a link that allows us to contact the label to request a license for this project. 


Found in this link is an email address which was (, Maxi then wrote email, which is shown in the image below:

After writing this email, we did not receive any reply from Universal Music Group, however, we still used the song as it was still used for the appropriate purpose

Reflection: Writing this email helped me understand the industry standard procedures before using any other artist's work. Even though we didn't receive any reply back we felt like this was the right thing to do as way to show respect to our artist as it is still their property. In future projects, I would like to try and receive confirmation and licensing from a label so the project can be done legally and profesionally.

COMP 3: Screenplay and Storyboard Development

This blogpost was written by me (Timothy), contains the development of the timeline, screenplay, and storyboard of our Music Video, as well as the updates/changes and decisions we made regarding them.


Timeline Development: We worked as a team to make it easier to write the music video screenplay and draw up the storyboard. We made a simple timeline by matching parts of the song (like lines and verses) with specific scenes. This helps us plan out the video in detail, making it easier for actors to understand and for us to shoot each part effectively. Check out the picture of the timeline we made:

Reflection: Creating this timeline together with our group helped us share ideas and agree on what shots to use for the music video. Creating this timeline will help Maxi and Sharon create a more detailed storyboard and screenplay.

Screenplay Development:

This screenplay was written by Maxi, for this music video to help plan out the shot's we'll need to take and what they look like, as to be more organized in the shooting of our music video so that we won't miss anything.



Originally, the group did not think this project would require a very detailed and well-made screenplay, this is because we planned to shoot the music video a bit more freely. However, we realized that this would be quite inefficient during the shooting process as we wouldn't know what to shoot on the day. Creating this screenplay helps provide us with a guideline of what the shots should contain, further aiding in the shooting process.


The storyboard for this music video was draw by Sharon, as the other members of the team helped and guided her through the process giving her feedback on what we feel the video should look like


Creating a storyboard involves more than just visualizing individual scenes—it requires an understanding of the overall narrative flow. Upon reflection, I recognize moments where the transitions between scenes or the pacing of the story could have been refined. Going forward, I am eager to hone my skills in crafting a storyboard that not only captures individual moments but also ensures a cohesive and engaging storytelling experience. This storyboard provides a visual guide for us, and in the process of making it helped me realize that shooting locations outdoors may not be as easy as it seems to make it seem very picture perfect.

Changes to storyboard and screenplay

This part of the blog post is written after the final piece has been released. Knowing that we couldn't create all the shots exactly according to the screenplay, these are some of the shots we changed, still making sure to create a similar effect:

(1) Originally meant to be a dolly of the girls from behind.

I then decided that the quality of the shot we took for that scene was not good enough for our final product. During the shooting day, I shot a similar scene that depicts a slow reveal of them walking, slowly revealing their faces, I think choosing this shot creates a similar grand reveal effect of our initial plan in the screenplay and storyboard.

(2) Initially a shot of him exiting his car

During the process of creating the storyboard, we didn't take the speed of the cuts and the pacing into consideration. After experimenting with the shot during editing, I decided that it would be better of showing him walking instantly, as it matches the pacing of the song more. If we were to have used the original scene, the cuts would be too jarring and would actually distract the audience, and it might be even harder for them to understand the plot.

(3) Originally a shot of them arriving at the beach in a car

Again, because the storyboard and screenplay didn't consider the timing and pacing of the song, it was extremely difficult to edit a sequence of actions, such as the girls leaving the car to take in the view in such a short window of time. I then chose to instantly cut to them on the beach, as I believed that continuity in music videos is not as important as it is in movies or film openings.

(4) Originally transitioned in between locations

This change was caused by a technical mistake I made while filming, which was supposed to be a quick whip-pan, however, when we shot at the park, the whip-pan I did was way too slow and had a bounce effect, whereas, the original whip-pan is fast and straight, this means that it didn't create enough motion blur for a feasible transition. Which is why we opted for a singular continuous scene.

(5) Originally a sunset ending scene

This change was caused by issues we had during the filming locations, which was detailed in my (Behind the Scenes) blog post, however we decided to replace it with KIARA blowing a kiss to the camera followed by a fade to black. This scene is an appropriate substitute for the ending because blowing a kiss can also connote ways to say goodbye. The overexposed sky in the background, with a yellow glow around her hair, gives a more dreamy effect to the shot, which gives a more dramatic ending.

Reflection: Before each day of shooting, I went through the storyboard and I always questioned if it was actually possible to create that sequence in such a short time. Nonetheless, I was correct, I now know that with music videos, verses are usually very short and I shouldn't expect it to be able to convey an entire story sequence. However, this allowed me to be more creative as I could experiment with what worked and what didn't work with the song, I got to come up with different shots in an entirely different setting, whilst trying to replicate a similar emotion. Overall, I am happy with these changes, some mistakes I made can definitely be improved, however, I am seeing these changes as positive changes. In future projects, I would like to be more detailed when revising a storyboard and maybe even make a draft music video just to know what the pacing is like.