COMP 3: Filming Schedule and Communication

This blog post contains our filming schedule details, written by Timo.

Before we started our production process, we created a group chat through WhatsApp containing the team and our full cast members. This was done to confirm everyone's availability and broadcast any information regarding costumes, locations and any other urgent information about the project.

Our original filming plan was to shoot in December, however, the shoot was canceled due to unforeseen circumstances. With this, we created a plan for our 3-day shoot. This table shown below contains all the information needed for easy communication between our crew, stars, and teammates, shown in the simplest form possible.

Seeing that we went behind schedule, on both Day 1 and Day 2, me (Timo) and Sharon created a table, shown below to plan for day 3, detailing specific time stamps on what to shoot at different times, with locations. 

However, creating this plan didn't prepare us for unexpected problems such as shooting permits. This meant that our original plan of using 3 days to shoot wasn't enough because we weren't allowed to shoot at Peninsula Island Park because it was a privately owned area. This led to us cutting the 3rd day of our project short. We then decided to add another day on the 13th of February 2024, shooting at Lapangan Puputan Renon, an open public park.

Reflection: Creating this table to schedule our shoots proved to be extremely helpful as it provides details of the shoot and allows us to be more punctual. Furthermore, as we needed a lot of props and equipment, these tables acted as a sort of checklist for me before departing to go on the shoot making sure that I didn't forget anything. On the other hand, creating a WhatsApp group was also extremely useful because our cast could also give us feedback on our project which proved to be very helpful with them acting as a non-biased third party audience. In future projects, I think that creating a plan for all days such as the plan me (Timo) and Sharon made would be very useful, allowing us to be more efficient with time and filming schedules.

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