Analyzing Adverts


Release Date: August 9, 2021

The main product that Rejuve sells are cold-pressed juices that adopt the clean label principle.

Media Language

This advert uses a variety of shots such as full shots, extreme close-up shots, and medium shots. This creates focus on the actress's expression, where she is struggling in life and seems to be hating her daily life. This video also uses non-diegetic sounds such as a voiceover and music. The voiceover states that "living a healthy lifestyle must be enjoyable." The music used before the product was introduced is gloomy and slow and changes quickly after the product was introduced to become more cheerful and hopeful, encoding that the product will bring you joy. This advert also uses a variety of lighting to convey its message, when the actress was not introduced to the product she was always shot under a shadow, whereas after she was introduced to a product the lighting was warm and lit her face elegantly with a soft spotlight. The video also used fast cuts in the beginning (before the product was introduced) to emphasize the rush and discomfort of not having the product, this was also used to better convey the actress's emotions. The set used was a mid-high-class Indonesian household with a lot of greenery and a yoga mat to emphasize healthy lifestyle living.


The target audience for this advert are the people looking to change over to a healthy lifestyle while still enjoying the process as well as keeping things easy and simple, in the age range of the early 20s (young adults). This can be identified as the media language used in the video such as set design emphasizing people like this, an example of this is the yoga mat being used performing yoga. The product appeals to the audience by showing in the video that it is easier and more simple when compared to other options. This advert encourages the audience to switch over and change their lifestyle.


This advert can be seen to address that most people who try to live healthy lifestyles and that living a healthy lifestyle the normal way is slow and is the worse option. 


Since Rejuve is pushing the clean label principle, which means that they are required to produce products made of fully natural materials, scant processes, and transparent in the processing process. This can help the economy by battling pollution which can be bad for living standards. Economic factors such as policies to protect the environment definitely appear in the product because when the government creates policies to produce less waste, the product shown opts to push this clean label principle because of the given policy. Modern technology has helped in the production of this as recycled materials are now faster and more efficient to take and produce.


Release Date: June 1, 2020

Boost Juice Bars is an Australian multinational retail outlet owned by parent company Retail Zoo that specialise in fruit juice and smoothies.

Media Language

This advert uses a variety of shots such as long shots, POV shots, and medium shots. The set design used in this video uses a mainly green color that makes up a studio to imply a sports-casting-like set. This advert also started off at a fast pace, emphasized by the use of the camera technique (dolly shot). Mise-en-scene used in this advert included absurd costumes such as consumers wearing objects on their heads adapting to the pandemic in the most absurd ways. This video used a combination of non-diegetic sounds such as music and diegetic sounds such as monologue. The music used is an upbeat guitar, which is generally used in sports shows to emphasize the fast pace and intense setting. Editing also added non-diegetic sounds such as a cheer when the actress reached her goal. This advert also uses animations to emphasize the app and capture the audience's attention with bright colors such as orange and green. 


The target audience for this advert is anyone who is already regularly consuming Boost Juice, because the thing they are mainly promoting in this video is the service, which in this case is the app to improve the efficiency of consumers when purchasing. 


This advert is generalizing malls and retail stores as always being overcrowded with absurd people always near you.


An economic factor that is evident within the products sold by Boost Juice Bars is government regulations and policies. An example of this is a policy on the reduction of plastic waste, which is evident in the juice they sell because the materials used in the products are recyclable and eco-friendly.


Release Date: October 25, 2021

nakedpress juice is an Indonesian business that sells Detox Cold Pressed Juice.

Media Language

This advert mainly focuses on the use of medium shots, this allows the audience to draw more attention to the actress's expressions. This is further emphasized with the editing of the actress's eyes being blown up in size to create a blank, almost lifeless expression while living her daily life. The sound used in this video is non-diegetic sounds such as a voiceover and music. The voiceover used in this video started off with a robotic voice before the product was introduced, further emphasizing the concept of lifelessness. This advert uses a lot of zoom-ins and outs to make the video seem more full of life after the product is introduced.


The target audience for this advert are the people looking to change over to a healthy lifestyle while still enjoying the process as well as keeping things easy and simple. The product appeals to the audience by showing in the video that it is easier and more simple when compared to other options. This advert encourages the audience to switch over and change their lifestyle.


This advert can be seen to address that most people who try to live healthy lifestyles and that living a healthy lifestyle the normal way is slow and is the worse option. 


Technological advancements can aid in the production of the product produced because of the ability to mass produce the juice and bottles. Raw materials used that are usually made more efficient with advancement in technology, this is because farmers are aided in the process of mass farming which overall creates a more efficient process.

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