How Media Targets Audiences

In most cases, the success of a media product is determined by the audience. This is the main point that drives producers. As a producer you can, give the audience what it wants, get feedback to improve, and find a gap in the market.  

The media then uses codes and conventions that the targeted audience will enjoy to keep them engaged. Media codes are everything.


  • Age
  • Gender
  • Social class
  • Ethnicity/race
  • Income
  • Location
  • Political leanings
  • Star appeal 


  • Personality
  • Behavior (passive & active)
  • Values
  • Interests
  • Spending habits


Categorizing media products is by grouping them together via their shared characteristics. These characteristics in media are known as codes and convictions. They're creating restrictions and developing templates for media producers to follow. 


Categorization of media a step further. It goes beyond the generalization of the genre. 

Genre Convention

Different elements are commonly found in a particular genre. 

Advert 1 (Gatorade)

Target Audience: The target audience for this advert are aspiring athletes. This is because the products they are pushing is an energy drink.

CODES used: This advert uses a variety of shots such as medium shots and close ups to create a focus around the athletes. The non-diegetic sound in this video, or the music uses upbeat and intense drums to convey the power and speed of the actors, whereas, the diegetic sound used in this video, such as the basketball noises are focused on to further grab attention. The fast cuts showing the actor failing to reach a goal grabs the viewers' attention, contrasting to the ending, which uses a long shot being held for a long time showing the actor after consuming the product making the dunk or successfully reaching their goal. High contrast and eye-catching colours such as neon green was encoded in the video to engrain the correlation for the viewers. The colour grading on this video creates a dark scene, which creates a more dramatic effect.

Advert 2 (Ride Safe) 

Target Audience: The target audience for this advert are little kids learning how to ride bikes this can span from the age of 5-12

CODES used: This advert uses only one type of shot, a still medium shot, this creates focus on the actors and their dialogue. The bright yellow subtitles text that pops up with an animation makes it seem more bubbly and fun, the colour yellow also insinuates happiness, therefore making it easier to attract children's attention and getting the point across while still making it fun for the children watching. The costume used in this advert, are bicycle helmets and jackets, this provides and sets an example of what the advert is advertising.

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