

Our task is to produce an opening from an original documentary TV programme, lasting approximately three to five minutes (major task), together with an official social media page for the documentary and a thumbnail for display on a streaming site (minor tasks). Our documentary, Dave(s), focuses on 6 school students who find out they all share the titular name, Dave.

Dave(s) is a documentary that has a variety of different stereotypes. This is because the main plot of this documentary is when they decide that only one of them can have the name, and decide to have a competition to see who ends up being able to keep the name. Our point of interest though is that all Dave's have very different personalities and interests. This builds a comedic effect through the juxtaposition of how each Dave is so different despite them all sharing the same name. This also allows us to broaden our target audience as we can cater towards people from different psychographics. Our main demographic however is mainly people from the ages of 16-25, who are active social media users and up to date with Gen-Z "meme culture".


  Here is an introduction to my team, written by me. (Timothy)

(Bottom Left) [Me] Timothy, (Top Left) Sharon, (Top Right) Nayana, (Bottom Right) Maxi

Maxi: Screenwriter
Nayana: Casting Director
Sharon: Creative Designer
Timothy: Director

We chose to work as a group because we all felt as all of our skills are mutually beneficial and necessary to create the best product. Starting from our designated screenwriter, Maxi, he is a gifted writer with creative abilities to express ideas in unique ways, I have also worked with him on previous projects, which makes me believe that we have natural chemistry and will easily work together to create. Next up, we have Nayana as our casting director, she has the ability to organize well and has many connections which will be very beneficial for the team in external activities. Last but not least, we have Sharon as our creative designer, she has a background in art and design, which helps us have a fresh and creative view on the product were making.

Link to their blogs

Weekly Plan

 Week 2 (28 July)

- We were given our first project (Documentary)
- Discussed sub-genres for documentaries
- Researched 3 different documentaries and made a brief analysis
- Thought about what we are going to do for the project

Week 3 (4 Aug)

- We decided our group
- Decided on our genre for our project
- Watched one full episode of a documentary, analysed and researched it.

Week 4 (11 Aug)

- We figured our the main idea for the documentary
- Decided our target audience

Week 5 (18 Aug)

Problem: We haven't decided the shot selection and the flow of scenes
Solutions: Discussed in our freetime
- Started drafting the storyboard
- Developed the ideas
- Made a statement of intent
To-do: Have it done by wednesday next week.

Week 6 (25 Aug)

Problem: Setting filming schedules
Solutions: Filming one scene on different days
- Continuing screenplay
- Set a filming schedule
- Finalized cast

To Do: 6 Interviews
28, 29, 30 Maxi Timo shot
1, 4-7 other Daves
8 Danny shot

Week 7 (1 Sep)

Problem: Our screenwriter left us for Bangkok, leaving us with no screenplay which left our storyboard bone dry.
Solution: Use social media to keep in contact
- Critical self reflection
- Shot our first scene

To Do:

Week 8 (8 Sep)

Problem: Our actor got sick
Solution: Push shooting schedules back

- Shot 70% of our shots
- Edited our screenplay along the way
- Took a group picture

To Do:
Last shot

Week 9 (13 Sep)

Problem: Actor still sick
Solution: Changed our screenplay, and made a new character as well as recasting

- Finished 100% of our shots
- Started Editing
- Thumbnail photoshoot
- Started editing thumnail

To Do:
Update blog