Weekly Plan

 Week 2 (28 July)

- We were given our first project (Documentary)
- Discussed sub-genres for documentaries
- Researched 3 different documentaries and made a brief analysis
- Thought about what we are going to do for the project

Week 3 (4 Aug)

- We decided our group
- Decided on our genre for our project
- Watched one full episode of a documentary, analysed and researched it.

Week 4 (11 Aug)

- We figured our the main idea for the documentary
- Decided our target audience

Week 5 (18 Aug)

Problem: We haven't decided the shot selection and the flow of scenes
Solutions: Discussed in our freetime
- Started drafting the storyboard
- Developed the ideas
- Made a statement of intent
To-do: Have it done by wednesday next week.

Week 6 (25 Aug)

Problem: Setting filming schedules
Solutions: Filming one scene on different days
- Continuing screenplay
- Set a filming schedule
- Finalized cast

To Do: 6 Interviews
28, 29, 30 Maxi Timo shot
1, 4-7 other Daves
8 Danny shot

Week 7 (1 Sep)

Problem: Our screenwriter left us for Bangkok, leaving us with no screenplay which left our storyboard bone dry.
Solution: Use social media to keep in contact
- Critical self reflection
- Shot our first scene

To Do:

Week 8 (8 Sep)

Problem: Our actor got sick
Solution: Push shooting schedules back

- Shot 70% of our shots
- Edited our screenplay along the way
- Took a group picture

To Do:
Last shot

Week 9 (13 Sep)

Problem: Actor still sick
Solution: Changed our screenplay, and made a new character as well as recasting

- Finished 100% of our shots
- Started Editing
- Thumbnail photoshoot
- Started editing thumnail

To Do:
Update blog

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