Comp 3: Mood Board

This post contains a mood board which contains a compilation of images to represent a theme and colour scheme we want to use for our project. Written by me (Timothy)

This moodboard displays fun and exciting activities. We chose these pictures to display in our mood board as the song we chose talks about life after a breakup from a female's perspective, talking about how life feels 'lighter' after letting go. This mood board reflects that by using bright colours and fun activities. This allows the audience to relate more as they might enjoy the same activities, such as, flying kites, going out for picnics, and having sleepovers.

Reflection: During the creation of this mood board, I suggested a colour pallette that can best reflect the message we are trying to convey. Furthermore, I also helped in choosing the pictures fit for this mood board. Overall the creation of this mood board helped our team think more creatively and helped us with time-management. In the future, I would like to create a moodboard that looks more professional, maybe using a certain template because the current one looks quite messy with no structure.

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