Final Radio Product - RegentsX FM



 Shown below is the wav file of the final radio product.

Source (Songs in order of appearance): 

Alex Turner. (2013)  Do I Wanna Know?. [Performed by Arctic Monkeys]. On AM - Retrieved from: Spotify

Nick Santino. (2016 ) Sex, Drugs, Etc. [Performed by Beach Weather]. On Chit Chat - Retrieved from: Spotify

Donald Glover, Bernie Grundmen. (2016) Me and Your Mama [Performed by Childish Gambino]. On Awaken, my Love! - Retrieved from: Spotify

Crirical Self Reflection (Radio)

Shown above is an interactive presentation on prezzi showcasing my critical self reflection, if preferred the link is also provided Prezzi Link


At the beginning of this term, we were assigned a project of making a radio show. We started with choosing our teams, I ultimately chose my team of Me, Maxi, Satria, and Theo. We then conducted research on our audience. We did this by looking at other radio shows and finally created RegentsX FM. We then recorded, edited, created logos, and jingles chose songs, and more, which ended in the final product of our 15-minute radio show.

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

Our radio show, which we created titled "RegentsX FM" focuses towards high school students in Regents Secondary School. This is why we created segments on the show that talk about school events, we also created a gossip segment that will only interest the students in Regents Secondary School. We created this segment based on the results from our survey which we created through google forms, which resulted in a large majority of students wanting to hear a gossip segment.

RegentsX FM mostly conforms to the norm of other radio shows that target similar audiences. Firstly an example of an Indonesian radio show such as Phoenix FM, from Indonesia, targets similar demographics to our radio show, and includes news segments in which hosts generally talk about events that happen locally. Secondly, another radio show that our show conforms to is the radio show MTV, which uses gossip to attract an audience as well. Similarly, our radio show follows these tropes and conventions of the radio industry and conforms to audience expectations. Additionally, RegentsX FM follows conventions by using songs that are popular in the current time. This was confirmed by the data we got from our survey, which told us the type of music our audience is most likely to enjoy. In this case, music from artists and bands like The Arctic Monkeys, Childish Gambino, The Neighborhood, Etc would be the most enjoyable to our targeted audience. We concluded to further conform to the norms by hosting the radio in English, this is done to expand the reach of our radio show to more people.

How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

Our radio show targets and appeals to the demographic of teenage students (aged 15-18). This is because we created our gossip segment that will most likely cater to people of that age range, an older age range would not be as interested in listening to gossip and rumors and a younger age range wouldn’t necessarily understand the relevancy of the gossip. Furthermore, our radio show mostly appeals to Indonesians specifically, instead of people outside of the country, as events discussed will mainly consist of events happening in Indonesia. 

I think that RegentsX FM is a very suitable radio show that can be aired by our school's production house. This is because our target audience is incredibly niche or specific, as only students from our school would understand the gossip or even the news that's currently happening. Our radio is suitable for play at any time of day, however, it would best be played in the afternoon to adapt to the school hours, this is to allow students to relax and cool down after a long day and be entertained. Other than being broadcasted by the school, however, we could also incorporate forms of new media like YouTube. Technological Convergence creates outlets such as YouTube that can allow the audience to re-listen once uploaded. 

The Uses and Gratifications Theory is a Mass Communication theory that focuses on the needs, motives, and gratifications of media users. The theory states that media consumers are passive consumers of mass communications; rather, they play an active role in media consumption. The theory is attributed to researchers Jay G. Blumler and Elihu Katz. Our radio this radio show falls under the category of "diversion", "surveillance" and "social relationships", as audiences are most likely to tune in and listen to the radio for leisure/to be entertained. This is achieved by the gossip segment of our radio show. The music played on our radio show also achieves this, this is because music also serves as a form of diversion from everyday life for most people. 

Our radio show consists of 2 male, 16-year-old, Indonesian hosts. This is a way to be representative of the high school student audience and also the male and Indonesian audience, this is because the theory of representation states that audiences will be more attracted to consume media where they feel represented. However, this also means that we will not effectively reach out to a full audience, as our hosts are only 1 gender, which in this case are men. This might make our radio show less attractive to females, this is because females might want a certain gender to feel represented, in this case, if there was a female host they might feel more connected and interested in the show. 

How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

After successfully producing the radio show, I learned a lot about sound engineering. This started with the introduction of equipment from our teacher. I then fiddled with the equipment and successfully set everything up by myself. I tested with software settings and learned through trial and error the perfect gain level for my personal volume of speaking. We also did the recording of the radio show on the recording software OBS, this recorded Me and Maxi’s audio perfectly. With this, I have also enhanced my teamwork and communication capability as I had to work and cooperate with a team and was able to do so successfully.

How did you integrate technologies - software, hardware, and online - into this project?

To finally create a well-produced radio show, we used a variety of different software and hardware to create it. Hardware-wise, we used our own audio setups at home, using a Scarlett 2i2 Studio Mic and BM800 Condenser Microphone respectively. We then entered an online voice call on the app Discord, which is a VoIP and instant messaging social platform where users have the ability to communicate with voice calls, in which I recorded our dialogue through OBS recording software. I then had to monitor the recordings to check for any problems, if the audio was clear I uploaded the files to a google drive where Maxi (our team audio editor) transferred the files into Adobe Premiere Pro, where he edited all the recordings together. Furthermore, The jingles were made by Satria using the application Bandlab, a free online audio editing software, using his recordings made from an iPhone 11. On the other hand, Theo created the logo using Adobe Photoshop, a raster graphics editor developed and published by Adobe Inc. In conclusion, this new technology has massively assisted us in creating this radio show. Furthermore, the fact that most of the software used are easily accessible makes our process that much smoother.


Overall, this project has helped me understand how to cater to a specific audience, how to work efficiently as a team, and how to be time efficient. Other members such as Theo who is gifted in design decided to do logo creation, Maxi and I decided to become hosts, as we have the most chemistry, and ultimately created an entertaining duo of hosts. I now also know more details about other software my teammates used, our logo creator (Theo) gave me a brief overview of his logo creation which helped me learn more about photoshop. Our jingle creator (Satria) guided me through his process in bandlab which helped me as well. Needless to say, I am pleasantly satisfied with the results of our radio show.

Editing Process - Radio

This creative explanation into the editing process of the radio show was done by (Maxi) , along with the editing of the radio show.

Being the editor of this project meant that I was in charge of the responsibility of putting all clips, and sounds together and editing them in a way that made transitions seamless, professional, and made sure that sound quality was top-notch. To do this, I used Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020 to edit the radio show together. Firstly, I downloaded all the songs that we were going to use, downloaded the recordings Timo and I had created, and downloaded the jingle Satria had made. After which, I got them all into my timeline and arranged them to make radio show seem as realistic as possible. I also cut out portions of recordings that didn't seem to fit, as well as create smooth transitions from our voice recordings into the song that was going to play next. This was done using the Keyframes audio feature that Premiere Pro possesses. This allowed for a professional and well made sounding production.

In the image attached above we can see a screenshot of my editing page in Adobe Premiere Pro. On the bottom left we can see my media library, and on the bottom right we can see my timeline. All in all, I believe using premiere pro allowed me to streamline the process of editing.

Radio Logo Analysis & Development

Logo Analysis

Capital FM: I like the different color contrast used of red and blue and the lining or case that surrounds the text to the left, it creates a unique sense of depth that viewers can find eye-catching. The bold red font is eye-catching as it is surrounded with cool-toned colours, this directs the viewers attention and lets more people know that its "CAPITAL". I dislike the text of "95-106" because it makes the logo seem more bulky.

Capital XTRA: I like the color contrast of a bright shocking pink and a cool dark navy, this creates an eyecatching effect, this means that the creator wants the viewers attention to be directed towards "XTRA", emphasizing that this radio station is for extras. I dislike that it follows the almost exact same design language as it's brother logo.

Capital DANCE: I dislike the very monochromatic colours, as it contrasts the genre given which is "dance" which is stereotypically more bright and energetic, I also dislike that this logo follows the same design language as capital's other logos.

Heart: I like the simplicity of the logo, being only text and replacing one letter with a heart symbol. I also like the red color chosen, which people usually correlate with red.

Classic FM: I like the simplicity of the logo, using a simple and classic font, changing the letter "f" to be italic and red, which adds a simple yet effective layer of attention grabbing detail.

LBC: I like the different boxes used which creates an effect of depth, this also adds its own unique shape. I also like the color of red, blue and black, with white lettering.

Smooth: I like the gradient used from purple to pink, it creates an effect of complexity which viewers can appreciate. However, I dislike the ribbon shape the designer used, and the bent font used as it makes the viewing and reading unpleasant.

RadioX: I like the use of the colour green because I feel that this colour is rarely used in radios, this gives the radio its own branding. I also like that the letter "X" is made from lines which can represent sound waves.

Gold: I like that the colour chosen is very on brand, being gold. I also like the simplicity of the logo and the wave shown above adds another simple yet effective layer of attention grabbing detail.


I like the idea of making the letters out of lines to represent sound waves and the design of replacing a letter with a symbolic shape. Furthermore, I like the small little yet simple and effective attention grabbing details.

These are radio logos from a video game titled watchdogs, These logos all have their own unique design language, the first logo is shown to be made in bit pixels in a pink color illustrating a skull wearing headphones, this design does not show any text, which I think is more fitting for a digital logo or an app. The second logo of Bay City Pop is a white text and pink text with a unique font, in a purple circle with a city skyline silhouette on top, which I think we can use in the design of our logo. The third one features a symbol called a "grand staff" found in music sheets that is placed on a diamond with a gray gradient, which I think is quite unique. The fourth logo of radio bay station is an illustration of a yellow radio with a text block below it with a bold font emphasizing the word "BAY",  I am not quite fond of this logo as it is too blocky. The fifth logo of K66 FM Rock The Bridge radio uses a text only logo, however I like the use of placing the "FM" inside the 66, it can also be seen as an apostrophe. I also like the font or typeface chosen. The sixth logo seems to represent some sort of Latin radio, with the use of colours similar to the Mexican flag, the use of zigzag lines inside every letter adds another layer of unique detail.

Our radio is a radio based for students in regents, our logo should be heavily inspired by the existing school logo.  With that we can conclude a colour palette to create our logo:

We then created our final logo (Designed by Theo)

We finalized this design because of its simplistic nature and cool-toned colors. We, as a team liked the simplicity of a logo being based around a shape so we implemented that into our final logo. We also liked logos that were simple, yet had one feature that stood out, in this case, our logo has a radio mic that is embedded in the letter (R) which creates a layer of design to our logo.

Radio Room Tutorial

We learned how to operate equipment in the radio room or production room in our school, we were taught by our teacher dressed as Wario (Mr. Wayan) how to set up equipment that will help us record our radio show. He first taught us and introduced us to the variety of outputs and inputs and what each type of connection is used for, an example of this are the use aux cables, combo jacks, etc. 

We were then introduced to the different type of microphones available for our use and the uses of each one. We had a condenser microphone (Audio Technica AT2020) and a dynamic microphone (Rode PodMic) which has its own pickup patterns that we learnt about, these mics were then connected using an XLR cable which was then connected to one of the audio interfaces that were accessible.

Here is the video: Radio Room Tutorial 

Radio - Survey Results

These images show the results from a survey we gave to high school students in Bali, as our target demographic was mainly high school students. Here is the LINK 
to said survey.

From these results, we found that the vast majority of people surveyed used the social media app TikTok (Image 2).

This helped us decide on what type of songs to use on our radio show. Since video's posted on TikTok almost always include song, we decided it would be best to play songs that are popular on the app. This will be most effective in attracting our target audience of high school students. We confirmed this by asking the question of  "what artists do you listen to/like?" which assured our prediction that most people did listen to artists that gained popularity through TikToks made using their songs/audio. (Image 7)

Other than that, based off the question "What segment would you most want to hear on a school radio?" We found that most students would want to hear a school gossip segment that included an interview with students. This led us into making a school gossip segment. (Image 5)

Lastly, the question of "what language would you prefer the radio to be in?" Showed us most students want the radio to be in English, which is what we ended up doing as it is more likely to be understood by more people, and thus able to reach a vaster audience than if we were to use Indonesian. (Image 6)

Radio Research

Shown below is research done by me (Timo) from listening to the radio independently

Bali United FM (106.9)

Format: Sports


Minute 1: Song Requests (Promoting Social Media)

Minute 2: Song Plays

Minute 3: Song Plays

Minute 4: Song Plays


Minute 5: Talk about World Cup 

Minute 6: Song

Minute 7: Song

Minute 8: Song

What I like about Bali United FM is that the audience is very clearly targeted towards sports fans as the host talks about football results.

Research done by teammate (Maxi)


Format: Talk show/Podcast

Topic: Guessing who a famous person/celebrity is as the hosts ask them questions about their rise to fame, etc.

Speakers: Chris Moyles (Main Host) + 3 Secondary hosts (2 Male, 1 Female) + Guest

Sound Effects: Radio X Jingle (Non Diegetic Sound)


Minute 1: Promotion for the Global Awards Show & Radio X Jingle

Minute 2: Guest enters the show

Minute 3: Small talk, questions

Minute 4: Questions

Minute 5: Questions

Minute 6: Guest is revealed

Minute 7: Further Questions about career/life

What I like about RadioX is that it keeps up with the younger listeners and is able to keep listeners interested by including interesting segments in each broadcast. The hosts are generally entertaining and the target audience would probably be young adults from the ages of 18-35.

Weekly Progress - Term 2


Week 1 (7th Oct 2022)

- We listened to RadioX in class

- Created a group for the radio project (Timothy, Maxi, Theo, Satria)

- Decided on a target demographic

- Created a concept for our radio

- Made a survey to blast to 10th-12th graders

Week 2 (14th Oct 2022)

- Analyzed RadioX segments

- Decided on a name (RegentsX)

- Decided on having 2 presenters

- Created the segments for our radio (gossip and news)

- AD for orange canteen stall

 Week 3 (21st Oct 2022)

- Finalised the timeline

- Made a basic script

- Tested recording audio

- Created a Jingle

- Researched other Jingles

- Barthes' 5 Codes

- Binary Opposites

Week 5 (4th Nov 2022)

- Learned about equipment

- Decided on how to record

- Learned about sound editing

- Designed logo

- Researched different logos

Week 6 (11th Nov 2022)

- Recording for final

- Editing for final

- Finalizing

Team Introduction


Starting from the left is Satria (sitting down, wearing black)

Next to Satria to his right is Theo (wearing white)

Then there is me, Timo (standing up, wearing black)

and Maxi (sitting most right, wearing a striped shirt)

Analyzing Film Posters

Analyzing Film Posters

Actual movie poster of the film "Us"

Release date: 2019

Produced by: Monkeypaw Productions, Perfect World Pictures

Distributed by: Universal Pictures

Q1: What media language is used?

Color (Red and Black): Red has connotations with red and violence, Dim Gloom black background “surrounds” the character.

Composition: only 1 main subject showcased - put on focus

Color: bold red and black complementary colors

Expression (Actors Body Language): The intense facial expression of the character indicates the feeling of fear, additionally the character is seen crying which further indicates the characters agony.

Character holds a mask of themselves.

Q2: Why has this media language been chosen?

The dark, black, and opaque background that surrounds the character may indicate that there may be something or someone that may be hiding behind the character, looming in the background. This forms a sense of danger and the possibility of jumpscares that may appear out of nowhere.

The mask of themselves that the main chararacter holds may show that the character suffers from a mental disorder which causes them to have 2 contrasting & opposite “versions” of themselves. The “real” face of the character in the center presents the more fearful and sad side and at the same time also gives deeper connotations of being “over-worked, which is shown by the bloodshot red eyes and very dark eyebags. In comparison, the “idealist” mask that the character is presenting themselves with is seen with a “million dollar smile”, with taken-care of eyebrows and showing no signs of distress or fear coming from it. The lipstick worn on the mask contrasts the chapped lips of the real face, which may indicate how the real person has no time to take care of themselves and can’t present themselves the way they’d want to can be from having no time for one’s self, circling back to being “over-worked” .

The characters enlarged eyes and semi open mouth signifies feelings of terror and fear which tells the audience that there is something that the character is scared of and may “haunt” them.

The red shirt worn by the character may symbolize lots of gore/blood/violence that may appear in the film. This further propocates the idea that the film contains lots of scary scenes.

Q3: What are the audience expectations?

This poster creates an expectation of many “adrenaline rushing” moments throughout the film. The audience expects to be thrilled and on the edge of their seats throughout the film due to all the connotations of fear and violence that is shown in the poster. The audience may also expect lots of gore and violence due to its attribution to scary/thrilling movies. The “dual personality” of the main character may make the audience expect that the character goes into manic episodes, in which they cause violence and harm to the people around them.

Fonts used giving a horror vibe, most horror movies such as Annabelle or the conjuring also uses it. 

Reception Theory

Reception Theory Analysis

Pengabdi Setan (Movie Poster)

Preferred Reading: The gory and dark figure holding a bell creates a mysterious aura, not showing clearly what the character looks like.  The house shown on the poster tells the consumer where it is set and shows us the economical class of the setting.

Negotiated Reading: The lone yellow light coming from the house indicates the dark figure is approaching something, or someone

Oppositional Reading:  -

Hyundai Creta (Promotional Poster)

Preferred Reading: The arch-like lighting set in the background creates a modern and futuristic effort. The dramatic shadow caused by the backlight makes the car seem more grand.

Negotiated Reading: The Indonesian license plate “B 1 IDN” indicates this car is marketed toward Indonesians.

Oppositional Reading: - 

Genre Conventions

Media Studies - Genre of Magazine

Genre of Magazine: Fashion

Sub Genre of Magazine: Men’s Fashion & Women’s Fashion

2 examples of each sub-genre:

Men’s Fashion - GQ Magazine, Men’s Vogue Magazine

Women’s Fashion - Vogue Magazine, Cosmopolitan

Genre Conventions: 

GQ and Men's Vogue appeal to male audiences as stars are always seen wearing fashionable clothing that makes them seem very stylish and good-looking, which may give men ideas on how to improve their wardrobe/look better in general. The colour palette used also appears more monochrome instead of using outlying and bright colours. This fits the Male Genre Convention as men are usually more attracted to simple grey-white-black colours instead of vibrant neons, pinks, yellows, etc.

Vogue and Cosmopolitan appeal to women audiences due to their bright, vibrant colour palettes, for example bright pink, which tends to attract female readers. Using popular stars like kpop idols also boost readership as women may want to see what their favourite singers and actors are wearing to try and copy their wardrobe and dress better.

Radio - Initial Concept

Demographic: Gen Z/Regents Students (15-18 years old). In general, our target demographic would be people who use the social media app TikTok. 

Concept/Format: Due to our audience being mainly young people, the concept we have decided to use would be a talk show/interview based radio show.

Presenters: The radio show will have 2 presenters as that was the most frequently answered option. This will make it easier to stay away from dead air as the presenters can find a multitude of topics to talk about and keep the show interesting.

Segments: Firstly we will want to have a segment about school gossip as it was the most requested segment in our survey. More specifically, we will have the people/person involved with the gossip come on the show and share their side of the story and will answer questions.

Next, we would want a news segment talking about school news i.e. what events are going on in the next few weeks/what's going to happen throughout the day, like if there's going to be a university seminar, or if there'll be heavy rain and sports will have to be canceled.

Songs: The songs that will be played will be mainly the most popular songs used on the aforementioned social media app TikTok. Based on our survey, results showed that 100% of the survey takers use TikTok. The genre of songs will mostly be pop/indie/alternative rock. The songs that we are planning to use include the shortened/radio edit versions of some of the most used songs on the app like: 

Do I Wanna Know - Arctic Monkeys

Sex, Drugs, Etc. - Chit Chat

Me and Your Mama - Childish Gambino

Ad: There will be an advertisement segment for one of the food stalls in the school canteen promoting their food/menu. Our advertisement will be for the Orange Stall. 

Radio - Timeline & Script


Minute 1: Introduction and greetings

MInute 2: Introduction

Transition (Jingle)

Minute 2.5: School News (What happened in the day, what's going to happen tomorrow)

Transition (Jingle)

Minute 3: Song 1

Minute 4: Song 1

Minute 5: Song 1

Transition (Jingle)

Minute 6: Intermission and school gossip segment 

Minute 7: School gossip

Minute 8: Interview with person associated with gossip

Minute 9: Interview

Minute 10: Interview

Transition (Jingle)

Minute 11: Song 2

Minute 12: Song 2 

Transition (Jingle)

Minute 13: Song 3

Minute 14: Song 3

Transition (Jingle)

Minute 15: Closing

Script (Hosts - Maxi & Timo): 


Maxi: Good afternoon Regents School! My name is Maxi from grade 11

Timo: And my name is Timo from Grade 11

Maxi & Timo: And we are your RegentsX Radio hosts!

Timo: We hope everyone has been having a good day so far and that you’re all doing okay!

Maxi: Indeed, but first of all I would just like to give some appreciation to how good my friend Timo here looks! Like you look absolutely stunning today brother

Timo: (laughs) yeah what a shame there isn't a video segment to show you guys listening at home how dapper i look.

Maxi: Truly a shame, however today's radio segment won't just be talking about how good timo looks

Timo: Yes, today we have our school gossip segment with a very very special guest! 

Maxi: Think you’ll all be very surprised when they come on!

Timo: Before that though let’s start with all the news you may have missed today at school. 


(School News)

Maxi: Today, on the 9th of November was Blind date with a book day! Hope everyone had fun reading as we continue on with the spirit of book week. Rain poured heavily as expected as Bali is currently experiencing a heavy monsoon season. Practice for the basketball teams have been moved from the court to the gym while football team practice has been cancelled. Furthermore we would like to wish our basketball teams the best of luck as they participate in the highly anticipated JB cup! You got this guys! This week we have our SMA boys team competing against Taman Rama Jimbaran for the 3rd place position on Thursday at 5 PM! Dont miss out! And the day before that we’ll have our  SMA girls team also competing for 3rd place against SLK on wednesday at 4, we hope to see you all there and cheer us on!

And don't forget that tomorrow is the culmination of book week as we have our costume parade! Bring your best costumes and your book spirit as the fashion show gives your classes chances to win big prizes! And most importantly, remember to have fun! Now, a song that seems to have captured the generation by storm, Do I Wanna Know, by The Arctic Monkeys!


Plays song: Do I Wanna Know - Arctic monkeys


(School Gossip Segmment)

Timo: Do I Wanna Know… that song definitely makes me feel some type of way. On that note, to all of you listening at home, the weather has been quite chilly recently. Why don’t we warm ourselves up with some steaming hot quote on quote “tea” or in other words gossip. Without further ado lets move right on to our gossip segment!

Timo: So, Maxi, is there any tea in particular that you’ve heard of recently?

Maxi: Well Tim, the hottest tea that i can think of would probably be some heatted drama and tea about current relationships right now at school

Timo: Oooh yeah, i've heard alot about that going on recently, pretty sure our basketball team captain Dyfan just got out of a pretty bad breakup

Maxi: Yeah ive sure heard alot about that too!

Dyfan (awkwardly): Uhm, hey guys

Maxi: Oh my god, would you look at that! if it isn't Dyfan himself!

Timo: Wow! we totally didn't know you were here the whole time and you definitely suddenly just appeared in the room with us!

Maxi: Totallyyy, anyway Dyf, i don't think you need an introduction but just in case anyone listening DOESN'T know you are, how about you introduce yourself to us

Dyfan: Introduction



Tim: Wow, that was some hot tea! Moving on, a song that has garnered massive popularity on TikTok, lets have Sex, Drugs, Etc, by Chit Chat

Plays song: Sex Drugs Etc - Chit Chat


Maxi: (as the song comes to an end, music is edited to become quieter as Timo talks over the song): And before our final song of the day, let's have a word from our sponsor, the Orange Canteen


Timo: Ever feel like school lunch has become repetitive? Like you're eating the same boring food over and over and over again? Well fear no longer because the Orange Canteen has just the solution for you! Choose from a variety of foods like Chicken Katsu, Chicken Karaage, Nasi Campur, Nasi Rawon, Curry, and more! And to top it all off, every Friday we have a free food special! Come over and get a free portion of soup along with every purchase you make! 

What are you waiting for? Come order from the Orange Canteen today!


Timo: Now, for our final song of the day we have Childish Gambino’s funky, yet rhythmic sensation, Me and Your Mama!


Plays song: Me and Your Mama - Childish Gambino


Maxi: (as the song comes to an end, music is edited to become quieter as Maxi talks over the song) Wow, that song just never gets old… Well guys, we wish we could keep playing some more of these days’ hot hits but unfortunately, as some of us may know more than others, all good things must come to an end.

Timo: Real. So real. Like Maxi has said, thank you to everyone who has tuned in this far, we appreciate you all. 

Maxi: But don't be too demoralised, because we'll be back every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5 PM!

Timo: See you guys there!

Maxi: Without further ado, I’m Maxi

Timo: And I’m Timo

Maxi & Timo: And this was RegentsX, With Maxi And Timo!